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Looking for special education therapy in lucknow
comprehensive Audiological and Speech care

More than 15 diagnostic tests are available such as Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA), Impedance Audiometry/ Tympanometry with reflexometry, Oto Acoustic Emission (OAE), Air Conduction and Bone Conduction ABR/ BERA (Auditory Brainstem Response/ Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry), Speech Audiometry, Aided Audiometry (with hearing aids & Cochlear Implants) etc.
Comprehensive test battery for infant and children which includes (Behavior observation Audiometry (BOA), Impedance Audiometry/ Tympanometry with reflexometry, Oto Acoustic Emission (OAE), Air Conduction ABR/ BERA (Auditory Brainstem Response/ Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry).
Our results are comprehensive and reliable which assures ENT surgeons call for surgery.
We offer wide of hearing aids with most advanced technology of wireless accessories, Bluetooth connectivity and rechargeable solutions customized for each individual needs.
We offer latest and safest solution for tinnitus management.
We are well equipped to provide management through cochlear implant of the leading company of the industry.
Hearing tests
Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)
Behavior Observation Audiometry (BOA)
Conditioning Audiometry
Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR)
Tinnitus Evaluation
Aided Audiometry
Impedance Audiometry (IA)/ tympanometry
Oto Acoustic Emission (OAE)
Speech Recognition Threshold
Speech Reception Score
Speech Perception in Noise
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction test
Air Conduction BERA/ AC- ABR
Bone Conduction BERA/ BC- ABR
Tone Decay Test (TDT)
Short Increment Sensitivity Index (SISI)
Hearing aids

Our hearing aids include rechargeable models, eliminating the need for regular battery replacements and ensuring ease of use.
Each hearing aid is customized to meet the specific needs of the individual, providing a personalized solution for optimal hearing.
Our advanced hearing aids are designed to improve hearing clarity, making it easier to understand speech and enjoy sounds in various environments.
Our hearing aids come with wireless accessories for enhanced convenience and connectivity.
Cochlear implants

We specialize in providing high-quality cochlear implant services for individuals with severe hearing loss.
Our cochlear implants are sourced from renowned industry brands, ensuring the highest standards of quality and effectiveness.
Each cochlear implant is customized to meet the specific hearing requirements of each patient, ensuring personalized care and optimal outcomes.
Our cochlear implants are designed to offer substantial improvements in hearing capabilities, allowing patients to experience sounds more clearly.
Evaluation and assessment of various speech disorder like Stuttering (stammering), Misarticulation (unclear speech), voice disorder.
Evaluation and assessment of various language disorders like delayed speech and language secondary to hearing loss, ADHD, various syndromes, Autism etc.
Communication profile assessment w.r.t. behavior, sensory impairment and impairment/ challenges in performing activities of daily living
Treatment in form of individual one to one session of speech therapy , behavior modification class and occupational therapy.
Classes on enhancing social communication through group sessions.
We provide comprehensive care for adults having difficulty in communication due to brain damage/ or other cause.
Evaluation and assessment of various speech disorder like Stuttering (stammering), Misarticulation (unclear speech), voice disorder.
Evaluation and assessment of various language disorders like delayed speech and language secondary to hearing loss, ADHD, various syndromes, Autism etc.
Communication profile assessment w.r.t. behavior, sensory impairment and impairment/ challenges in performing activities of daily living
Treatment in form of individual one to one session of speech therapy, learning and behavior modification class and occupational therapy in lucknow.
Classes on enhancing social communication through group sessions.
We provide comprehensive care for adults having difficulty in communication due to brain damage/ or other cause.
therapy for Disorders

Fluency disorders, such as stuttering and cluttering, are speech disorders characterized by disruptions in the natural flow, rhythm, and timing of speech.
A voice disorder is a condition affecting vocal quality, pitch, or loudness due to various causes like vocal misuse or physical trauma. Symptoms include hoarseness, breathiness, or vocal fatigue, impacting communication. Treatment may involve voice therapy, addressing underlying issues through medical or surgical interventions for improved vocal function and quality of life.
Articulation disorder involves difficulties in producing speech sounds accurately due to improper movement or placement of the articulators (e.g., lips, tongue, palate). Common symptoms include substitutions, omissions, distortions, or additions of sounds, affecting speech clarity and intelligibility. Speech therapy services focus on correcting specific sound errors through targeted exercises, practice drills, and phonetic instruction. Early intervention is crucial for improving articulation skills and enhancing overall communication abilities.
Hearing impairment refers to a partial or complete loss of hearing ability, which can range from mild to profound and may affect one or both ears. Causes of hearing impairment include congenital factors, genetic conditions, infections, exposure to loud noise, aging, ototoxic medications, or diseases like otitis media. Individuals with hearing impairment may experience difficulties in understanding speech, following conversations, localizing sounds, or participating in social interactions, impacting their communication, education, and quality of life. Treatment options may include hearing aids, cochlear implants, assistive listening devices, auditory training, and communication strategies tailored to the individual’s degree and type of hearing loss. Early identification through hearing screenings and comprehensive evaluations is critical for effective management and support of individuals with hearing impairment.
A neurological speech disorder refers to difficulties in speech production or language comprehension resulting from damage or dysfunction in the nervous system, particularly the brain. These disorders may manifest as dysarthria, where muscle weakness or paralysis affects speech articulation, or apraxia of speech, characterized by difficulty planning and coordinating the movements needed for speech. Causes of neurological speech disorders include stroke, traumatic brain injury, degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s or ALS, brain tumors, or developmental disorders. Treatment typically involves speech therapy in lucknow, to improve speech clarity, coordination, and functional communication skills, often tailored to address the underlying neurological condition. Early intervention and ongoing support are essential for maximizing communication abilities and enhancing quality of life for individuals with neurological speech disorders.
A learning disability is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects an individual’s ability to acquire, process, or retain information effectively, leading to difficulties in learning, academic achievement, and skill acquisition. These disabilities may affect various areas of functioning, such as reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), mathematics (dyscalculia), or overall cognitive processing. Learning disabilities are often lifelong conditions and may coexist with other conditions, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Early identification through comprehensive assessments is crucial for implementing tailored interventions and accommodations to support the individual’s learning needs. With appropriate support and services, individuals with learning disabilities can develop coping strategies, succeed academically, and thrive in various aspects of life.
Child language disorder encompasses delayed speech and language development often associated with conditions like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Intellectual Disability (ID), or other behavioral issues. Symptoms include difficulty understanding or using language appropriately for their age, limited vocabulary, poor sentence structure, or challenges in social communication. Early identification and intervention are crucial, involving speech therapy, Learning and Behavior Modification therapy, and special education therapy services tailored to the child’s specific needs. Collaborative efforts between speech-language pathologists, educators, and caregivers can help mitigate the impact of language disorders, improve communication skills, and enhance the child’s overall development and quality of life. Our specialized autism therapy services in lucknow, offering personalized care and support to help individuals thrive. With expert therapists and evidence-based approaches, we provide comprehensive autism treatment plans tailored to each child’s unique needs.
Social communication disorder (SCD) is a condition characterized by difficulties in the use of verbal and nonverbal communication skills in social contexts. This includes challenges with understanding and following social rules of communication, such as taking turns in conversation, using appropriate greetings, maintaining eye contact, and interpreting body language and facial expressions. Individuals with SCD may struggle to use language for social purposes, such as storytelling or making requests, and may have trouble adjusting their communication style to different social situations or conversational partners.
FAQs related to speech therapy
Speech therapy is a treatment aimed at improving communication skills. It involves techniques and exercises to help individuals with speech disorders, such as stuttering, articulation issues, and voice disorders, as well as language difficulties like delayed speech development and social communication challenges.
Speech therapy focuses on the physical act of speaking and producing sounds, while language therapy addresses understanding and using language. Language therapy deals with issues like forming sentences, understanding vocabulary, and using language appropriately in different contexts
Play is a natural way for children to learn and practice new skills. In speech therapy, play-based activities help make the sessions engaging and enjoyable, encouraging children to participate actively and learn more effectively.
Early intervention is crucial for speech and language development. Even very young children can benefit from speech therapy in lucknow, which can help address issues before they become more serious and harder to treat.
While some children may develop speech and language skills naturally, others may need assistance. If there are concerns about a child’s communication skills, it’s better to seek help early rather than wait and risk further delays. We provide Learning and Behavior Modification therapy in Lucknow.
If a child is not communicating verbally by age 6, it is important to seek professional help. Speech therapy can identify underlying issues and provide targeted interventions to help the child develop communication skills.
Speech therapy is not a quick fix; it requires time, consistency, and effort. Progress can vary based on the individual’s needs and the severity of their issues. Regular therapy sessions and practice at home are essential for effective results.
This could indicate a specific type of communication difficulty. Speech therapists can assess the underlying reasons and work on strategies to improve the child’s responsiveness to everyday communication.
Lack of eye contact can be a sign of communication or social interaction difficulties. Speech therapy can help address these issues and teach the child appropriate social communication behaviors.
Excessive screen time can delay speech and language development. It’s important to balance screen time with interactive play and communication activities that promote language development.
Special education therapy addresses a range of learning needs, but speech therapy provides specialized focus on communication skills. Combining both can offer comprehensive support to address all areas of the child’s development.